This exploration scans securities to find those that meet one of DomiStock’s Strategies criteria. If all criteria of a trading strategy are met the scan returns a value of 100%. On the other hand, if no criteria of a trading strategy are met the scan returns a value of 0%. In any other case the scan returns a value between 0 and 100%. The DomiStock Trading Strategies in this exploration are: 1) Long the Deflated Winner (Col A), 2) Long the Deflated Neutral (Col B), 3) Short the Inflated Loser, 4) Short the Inflated Neutral (Col D), 5) Climb the Trend – Long (Col E), 6) Climb the Trend – Short (Col F), 7) Contrarian: Long the Loser (Col G), 8) Contrarian: Short the Winner (Col H).